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The answers you need!

To add your provider you must go to "Menu""My providers" > Click on the "My providers" symbol and load the following provider data:

  • Company name

  • Tax identification number

  • Address

  • Telephone

  • Mobile: It is where the Whatsapp will arrive with the summary of the order. (*It is not mandatory to complete it)

  • Email: It is the email where you will receive the summary of the order. (*It is mandatory to complete it)

  • Currency: You must select the symbol of the country (euro or dollar)

Once the data has been loaded, you must click on "Save supplier" ​​

  • Clarification: You can ask us help for loading suppliers and their products. You can also edit all the orders and your suppliers without depending on Us.

How do I add my suppliers and their products?

Yes, in case you want to edit or delete a provider, you must go to "Menu"> "My providers" and "My providers" and slide to the left on the provider you want to edit or delete .

Can I delete or edit a third-party provider?

Once the provider is loaded, you must enter it and go to  "See product list"

Within the list, you must click on the button  (+) and load the following data 

  • Product name:

  • Type of container: Here you must complete the format (Box x12u / 1 Kg / Bottle 500 g / Bag 6 un, etc.)

  • Description: (Not required)

  • Additional Notes (Not required)

  • Price per unit: It is not mandatory, but keep in mind that very soon you will receive reports on your purchases and if you enter the price, it will serve as a reference to know the purchase amounts by supplier. 

How do I charge products from a third-party vendor?

Yes, within the list of supplier products, you must slide to the left on the product, to edit or delete it

Can I delete or edit a product?

The price of a product is not mandatory to complete. However, we recommend doing so since in future updates, you will be able to have purchase metrics and the price is an important value for these metrics. 

Should I always indicate the price of the products I charge from a supplier?

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