The Answers You Need
From now on, you will be able to configure different catalog lists with their categories, products, prices and discounts indifferently.
In this way, you can create lists of products with prices for different customers. You have the possibility of showing a list of products and prices for a city, a group of clients or a geographical area.
You can also manage different discounts for each catalog listing, category and product.
What is the new functionality?
You can create as many listings as you want. We suggest having the same catalog lists as the price list you have in your ERP system.
How many catalog listings can you create?
The general list of products will be assigned. From the customers section, within a customer, you can assign a new price list. If you do not assign any, the system will assign the general list of products by default.
You cannot have a customer assigned to two catalog lists.
What if a customer doesn't have a catalog listing assigned?
The discounts you assign work as follows:
The product "Potatoes" is priced at 10 euros in the general catalogue. When you create a first catalog list, you assign a percentage discount of 10% to it.
The price of the "Potato" will be 9 euros. Now you assign to the category "vegetables" (that you have added to the list) 10%. Therefore, the product "potatoes" that belongs to the category "vegetables" will cost 8.10 euros. All products that make up this product category will have the same discount percentage applied.
Then you decide to apply a new 10% discount, but this time, only to the "potatoes" product. Therefore, the price will be 7.29 euros. This price will be for the product only and would not change the rest of the prices in the "vegetables" category.
If a customer has, in turn, been assigned a 10% discount in their configuration, said discount would be applied to the final price, after applying the discounts of“catalog” > “category” > “product”. The price would this time be 6.56 euros.
In case of choosing the discount by numerical amount, the indicated number would be subtracted from the price list. For example, if I apply a discount of 5 euros, the product potatoes would cost 10 euros to 5 euros. The carrot product that costs 20 euros would cost 15 euros. The same logic applies if the numerical discount is used in a category or individual product.
How does the discount hierarchy work?
You can apply a numerical discount, which will discount the amount you apply from the prices. Example: If you apply a 3 euro discount to catalog 1, all the products will discount that amount, regardless of their price:
Potato 10 euros = (10-3) 7 euros
Carrot 20 euros = (20 – 3) 17 euros
You can also apply a percentage discount, which will discount the percentage applied to all products equally. Example: If you apply a 10% discount to catalog 1, the prices would be as follows:
Potato 10 euros = (10 - 1) 9 euros
Carrot 20 euros = (20 – 2) 18 euros
What types of discounts can I assign to a catalogue, category and product?
Yes, you can handle prices and discounts differently for each price list. The modifications that you make on the catalog list 1, would not affect the catalog list 2
Can I change the price of one catalog list and not another?
Yes, you can handle prices and discounts differently for each price list. The modifications that you make on the catalog list 1, would not affect the catalog list 2
What happens if I hide a product from the general list of products?
Yes, to hide a product from a single catalog listing, you must go into that listing and hide it from there. In this way, it would not affect the rest of the listings or the general product listing.
Can I show certain products in one catalog listing and not in another?
The client is automatically assigned the general product list with its configuration and prices. If you want to change a customer's catalog listing, you can do it from“catalogs” > selection of the catalog where the client is > delete customer.
You can also go to “clients” > select the client > change the catalog listing from “catalogs”
What happens if we hide or delete a price list that was assigned to a customer?
Yes, you must export the catalog list that you want to change the information or prices from:Products> click on the buttonExport products > select theready a export andyou prick on the "export" button
An Excel file will be exported where you can change all the information you want from that list.
To reload the file, you must go again to "Products "> click on the buttonImport products, select the catalog listto which you are going to import the file and load it from"review".
Can I update all the pricing information in the listings together?
To upload a price list to the general list (Products) you must go to"products"and click on“export products”. In the selector you must leave the option"General Catalog".
Once you open the Excel file that was downloaded, fill in the information in the file and go to“Products” > “import products”, click on "browse" and select the Excel file that you have edited. the locker“Catalogs”you should leave it blank.
Then click on"Go up"to leave the changes loaded in the platform.
How to load a general product list?
No, you can only create the order with the available products from the catalog that you have assigned to your customer.
You can change the list assigned to your client whenever you want. This is done in two ways:
From catalogs, select the list that you want to include the client and add it by clicking on"Add". The system automatically removes it from the old catalog and will include it in the new one. From that moment, the client will see the new price in the application.
From "customers"click on the client you want to edit, then click on "modify" and on the box“catalogs”select the list to which you want to add it. From that moment on, the customer will see the new price in the application.